Pain & Sports Therapy

Better Performance & Faster Recovery

Do you know what is Lactate and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)?

Most people would not have heard of those terms, but if you are new to the exercise scene, or getting back into shape with gym sessions or classes, you would have probably felt the effect of lactic acidosis and/or DOMS.

When you exercise, your muscles use oxygen to generate energy, this is known as aerobic exercise. However, when you undergo intense exercise and there are not enough oxygen and glucose to produce energy, your muscles undergo anaerobic metabolism, producing lactate to give that extra boost of energy.

The burn in the muscles during high-intensity exercise that you feel typically sets in about 85% of your heart rate, is due to lactate production. So how should you prevent this burn?

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is not due to lactate as most have thought, but because of the micro tears in muscle during the high-intensity exercises. These micro tears contribute to swelling and inflammation of the muscle breakdown. Let’s look at how Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) helps to ease these muscle soreness.

Benefits of ELT on sports and physical therapy

  • Improve lymphatic drainage, thereby reducing accumulation of interstitial fluids
  • Increase range of motion
  • Reduce inflammation accumulated in the muscles
  • Strengthen circulation and cardiovascular functions to raise lactate threshold
  • Reduce the occurrence of scarring tissue
  • Improve recovery of muscle fatigue
Disclaimer: Electro-Lymphatic Therapy using LymphDrainage XP-II, as well as any wellness devices mentioned, is intended for use only for general well-being purposes or to encourage or to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and is not intended to be used for any medical purposes (such as detection, diagnosis, monitoring, management or treatment of any medical condition or disease). Any health-related information provided by this device should not be treated as medical advice. Please consult a physician for any medical advice required.
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